Stark Rehabilitation

Vestibular Disorders

Vestibular Disorders – An Overview Our ears are a very complex system consisting of bone and cartilage. The organ is a network of channels called semicircular canals. Fluid fills the canals. The fluid changes the movement. A sensor in the ear sends the notification to the brain to add to the sense of balance. These […]

Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Rehab

An Overview of Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Rehab If you are thinking of having a major surgery soon, you must seriously consider scheduling two other very important and crucial aspects – pre op and post op rehab. Medical experts often recommend pre op and post op surgical rehab for patients having orthopedic surgery. The type of […]

IASTM (Graston)

IASTM – (Graston) – An Overview IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) helps you recover from injury and lost movement and alleviates physical performance with instrument-based treatments like cupping, Hawk Grips, Graston, and Fascial Abrasion Technique (FAT). IASTM is a manual soft tissue treatment that leverages various tools to better mobilize soft tissue structures such […]

Kinesio Taping

An Overview of Kinesiology – Kinesio Taping Kinesiology is the study of body movement mechanics. Kinesiology or Kinesio tape is an innovative, widely used treatment tape that supports the body muscles and joints, unlike traditional athletic tape that limits the mechanics or movements. Dr. Kenzo Kase invented and developed the original Kinesio tape and method […]

One-On-One Physical Therapy

An Overview of One-On-One Treatment One-On-One Physical Therapy had emerged based on the principle of treating an individual and the dedication to emphasize the body as a whole in a one-on-one environment. The special, personalized physical therapy is what distinguishes us from the rest. Often people can understand that they have body pain but are […]

Exercise Therapy

What is Exercise Therapy? If you are in physical pain, there must be a way to get rid of the issue. Exercise therapy is a proven method to reduce your physical pain. The therapeutic activities ensure the patients a quick recovery from any disease or health state that disturbs their movement and activity of daily […]

Manual Therapy

What is Manual Therapy? Manual Therapy is a specific physical therapy method that implements hands-on techniques without using devices and machines. Therapy comes with a long history within the profession of physical therapy and physical therapists. The International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT) defines manual therapy as skilled, professional hand movements to enhance […]

Biomechanic Analysis

An Overview of Biomechanics Biomechanics is a term that you must have heard if you have visited a physiotherapist, but you might need a clearer understanding of what role it plays in everyday life. Biomechanics is a scientific term that understands how and why your physical movement happens the way it does. It is a […]